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Bargains corner

Because some products don't meet our aesthetic criteria or aren't the right weight, we offer them at a reduced price without compromising on quality.
Good dealSave 34%Savon solide artisanal sans parfum ALPHASavon solide artisanal senteur neutre ALPHA
ALPHA HANDCRAFTED BAR SOAP - Good deal Sale price44 SEK Regular price66 SEK(44 kr/100g)
Save 29%Savon solide artisanal AQUA VIVASavon solide artisanal AQUA VIVA
AQUA VIVA HANDCRAFTED BATH SOAP - Bargain Sale price55 SEK Regular price77 SEK(55 kr/100g)
Save 28%Savon à raser vegan O'VERTSavon à raser vegan O'VERT
O'VERT VEGAN SHAVING SOAP - Bargain Sale price168 SEK Regular price234 SEK(134 kr/100g)
Save 28%Savon à raser vegan MOANA pour le rasage traditionnelSavon à raser vegan MOANA pour le rasage traditionnel
MOANA VEGAN SHAVING SOAP - Bargain Sale price168 SEK Regular price234 SEK(134 kr/100g)
Save 50%Savon à raser vegan ZENITH pour le rasage traditionnelSavon à raser vegan ZENITH pour le rasage traditionnel
ZENITH VEGAN SHAVING SOAP - Bargain Sale price117 SEK Regular price234 SEK(94 kr/100g)
Save 28%Savon à raser vegan OASIS pour le rasage traditionnelSavon à raser vegan OASIS pour le rasage traditionnel
OASIS VEGAN SHAVING SOAP - Bargain Sale price168 SEK Regular price234 SEK(134 kr/100g)